I can't wait until this reception selection thing is over. Everything else will be a cakewalk. Gonna write down every single place I've looked at, to give you an idea of the difficulty we're facing.
Under consideration:
Andover Country Club - Great place, but so many little problems. I want to strangle them most of the time for all the ways they nickel and dime you into making a $25/pp place cost $10,000.
Angelicas - An Italian restaurant in Middleton. Have to call them. Their package sounds excessive but their place itself is appealing.
Bayside of Nahant - This is both cool and less accessible because it's on an island. Her package is straightforward and the prices are reasonable. Minimal service charge, for example, and the minimum is only 125 people (no cash minimum).
Country Club of Billerica - Another excessive package, but for everything they offer, the price might be OK.
Crestview - in Woburn. This package is the only one I've seen that doesn't have a bunch of stuff I don't need. The Pearl package plus open bar might even be a steal.
Holiday Inn - of Peabody, Nashua, Andover, or Somerville - for some reason, Holiday Inns offer very competitive pricing. Waiting for more information from them, they do not respond quickly to email.
Indian Ridge Country Club - this place was passed over at first because Lisa said it was not as nice as the Andover Country Club, but I'm giving them a second look. I like their website.
Jimmy's Allenhurst - This place looked great online, until their website disappeared, and Dad says it is next to a trucking company and looked dingy, but their prices are very good.
Rowley Country Club - It breaks my heart that this room for this place was not up to snuff, because I liked everything else. Mom said it was cramped and not very formal; but the menu was appealing, and the only hold one wedding a day. Also affordable.
Spinelli's - in Lynnfield. This place is not expensive and not cheap, the rooms and the grounds are beautiful. I just hate the menu. Possibly they could change it, but I just can't get excited about this place.
Thomson Country Club - this place has a nice package, but I don't know much else about it.
Vittori Rossi Post - This is in Beverly, so its pretty convenient, but the exterior looks like a post office, and there is no rug, and no website. Mom did not like this place.
Wyndham - of Andover or Billerica - these would be great if I were inviting more people (over 160), they have a great package.
Locations that require catering:
The Harbor Room - $1500 for the whole day on the harbor doesn't sound so bad.
Gloucester Elks at Bass Rocks - I wish they would pick up the phone, just once.
Andover Town House - $750, kind of an appealing location, but a little municipal.
Considered and Nixed:
Too Expensive:
Nahant Country Club - Sheraton Resorts - the Marriott - Steeple Hall - Tupper Hall - Glen Magna Farms - Hellenic Center - Ocean View Inn & Resort - Hamilton Hall - Scituate Country Club - Radisson - Andover Inn
Fully Booked:
Danversport Yacht Club - Castleton - Casa di Fior
Damn. This. Sucks.