Monday, January 09, 2006

Our first SNAFU

This past week was the only time that we were going to be in Massachussetts before the wedding. We had a lot to do, including meet with the minister, see the church & reception hall, meet with the photographer, the florist, the DJ, and taste cakes. Also, an engagement party. Something was bound to go wrong, so I'm not terribly surprised something did go a little wrong.

We had talked to John Preve about being our minister at Thanksgiving, and he seemed enthusiastic. At that time, Geoff had informed him that I was not a Christian, and he said that this was only a problem if it was a problem to us. Well, it isn't, so OK.

Anyway, cut to now. Turns out it is a problem, and he can't tell us this until halfway through our allotted vendor-search time that he can't see fit to marry us. So we go back to Robin Zucker, whom we had interviewed in the first place, but since we didn't tell her early enough, we didn't have time to go through her pre-marriage counselling program. So now we have to do all that right before the wedding. Oh well.

At any rate, all the other vendors are booked with no problem; now I get to concentrate on the honeymoon, and that's one of my favorite things.


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